Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Liability Concerns Officially End the Fall (and probably Spring) Season, per the NCAA

As many of you already know, the D3 (and D2) fall championships were cancelled last week after a number of new (D1-focused) requirements were released by the NCAA. These requirements are hitting even harder now, as FBS conferences like the PAC-12 and Big 10 have also postponed fall sports.

Based on the liability waiver and medical / insurance related costs associated with the NCAA's requirements, which places an inordinate amount of financial and legal risk on small (and large) colleges, I know have a hard time believing there will be a spring football season.
Maybe padded practices or a scrimmage here and there will be able to be held, but anything else seems like a long shot given the updated NCAA stance. Unless there's a vaccine or a 180 by the folks in Indy, you can probably kiss the 20-21 sports season(s) goodbye, sadly.

Frank and I went into this in detail in our last In the D3FB Huddle episode, which included an interview with Brockport AD Erick Hart. He was tempered in his answer over spring football happening, indicating that they may play one scrimmage against a neighboring school like St. John Fisher.

In the meantime, all we can do is wait and see what, if anything, happens in the coming weeks / months. School is starting back up soon - don't forget your masks - so that's the first step.

Thanks as always for reading and go 'Bart!

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