Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Missing the Boys of Fall

HC Kevin DeWall '00 captured a beautiful moment this morning as the 127th Hobart College football team got some reps in as small, but at least on offense, full squad.

It's hard to believe we're already halfway through October and although it's been proven in several others states high school, college and pro football can and has happened, we will have to continue to wait on the state of New York and the NCAA to figure out if and when D3FB will resume.

I still feel like the potential spring season remains highly in doubt based on financial and legal matters that will dissuade most college presidents and boards from allowing their student athletes to participate.

All that means is we just have to continue hoping the next summer preseason starts as usual and things return, albeit probably to more of a new, normal come August 2021. At least one thing is clear, the Statesmen are diligently preparing for when their next opportunity calls.

In the meantime, let's welcome new LB/ST assistant coach Matt Fleischacker to the team! He has an impressive football background and I'm sure he'll add a lot to the team.

Hopefully we'll see all the coaches on the sidelines and players on the field sooner than later. Honestly, the 127th season of Hobart Football can't come fast enough.

Thanks for checking in and go 'Bart! 

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